I am a Taipei-born artist and researcher. In my practice I use and misuse digital tools, working with data as a material that I sculpt and transform into visualizations, resin sculptures, domestic installations, and printed material. In doing so, I am thinking about this deliberate and creative misapplication of tools as a queering of the technology, making visible the norms of engagement that continuously construct our identity. As a Taiwanese artist, I also connect these manipulations of technology to the condition of being politically contested and marginalized. 

In my own teaching and research I look at errors that challenge and destabilize categories and exist at the margins. I investigate what it means to be “unruly” and how to apply this concept in practice, from its definition as radical action and ignoring rules to how it might create playful scenes that reveal hidden power structures.

I am a Y6 and Y8 member at New Museum’s NEW INC in collaboration with Rhizome. My work has appeared in Leonardo and ACM Siggraph, and was supported by communities such as the Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Columbia Journalism School, ACCAD at Ohio State University, and EdLab at Teachers College, Columbia University. In Fall 2020, I participated in the science_technology_society residency program at Delfina Foundation, UK. I am currently teaching at NYU Tisch’s Collaborative Arts and ITP.

Read my interview with Rhizome and KillScreen.

I can be reached at yurosalie_at_gmail_dot_com.

Instagram / Sketchfab